Leave the title of “leader” to inspire action

The traditional leader/follower approach within companies needs to be eradicated if we truly want our teams to succeed. No longer should “leaders” be expected to give detailed plans with little or no feedback from other team members. This article explains how we have achieved this in Al Masaood Automobiles by trusting our team members and sharing the same goals.

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Irfan Tansel
Turning Vision Into a Legacy

Al Masaood Group celebrates 50 years of business this year. We are continually getting stronger and our resilience has shone through in the past number of years. This post shares what I believe are the qualities necessary to create a powerful company legacy that stands the test of time.

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Irfan Tansel
Welcome to the ‘New Normal’

In just a few short months, the world we’ve known has changed. For the next few months, we will be recovering from the crisis and then rebuilding our economy from the ground up. This is our new normal; the rebuilding of our society, based on pandemic learnings.

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Irfan Tansel
The Holy Month of Ramadan Is Upon Us

The holy month of Ramadan is upon us and there is no doubt that this Ramadan is going to be different in many ways. But nothing changes the spirit of the holy month that remains deeply embedded in our hearts. Let us draw strength and inspiration from it to face the challenging times. May this month be filled with peace and prosperity to you and your families.

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Irfan Tansel
Digital Transformation – A Business Requisite Long Before Covid-19

On the business front, there has been a shift by force spurred on by Covid-19. We had foreseen this impending digital shift, so three years ago we strategized and rolled out ‘Project Falcon’, an omni-channel, e-commerce car buying EXPERIENCE. In these unprecedented times, the need for this is even greater than before. Read about our digital transformation journey.

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Irfan Tansel
How to Keep Your Team Focused and Productive During Uncertain Times

Uncertainty is uncomfortable and there are many things that may cause it, including a company restructure, a family situation or societal challenges. For instance, the recently declared global pandemic from Coronavius, also known as COVID-19, has impacted workplaces, the stock market, travel plans and the health of individuals from all over the world. In this time of uncertainty your employees may be worried about their future, distracted from their work and less productive.

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Irfan Tansel
Technology that’s driving cars: the road ahead for the automobile industry

Buying for a new car? Ten years ago, you would have gone to a car showroom. Just like in movies, most people who bought cars from a standard dealership felt “sold” to by a stereotypical car salesman or women, expressing they wouldn’t be eager to do it again. But with the rise of the internet, buyers are empowered and the car buying transaction doesn’t just happen in the showroom anymore.

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Irfan Tansel
Why do companies actually fail?

One of the biggest lessons I’ve learnt along the way is that the best leaders don’t live day-by-day. We must always be forecasting, re-imagining and steering the ship. With the Fourth Industrial Revolution, the need for this is greater than ever before. Rapid digitization and evolving technologies mean that there are lower barriers to entry for competition, evolving business models and greater expectations from consumers. So how can leaders future-proof their businesses?

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Irfan Tansel